Tuesday, February 21, 2012


alright, where do you even start with a topic like this. music is what has defined us, divided us, and brought us together. there are so many different kinds of music i am not going to even try to list all of them. I love music, i love it i can listen to it all day and never get tired of it. my favorite kinds of music are country, hip-hop, and rock. yes i know very different kinds of music, but that's what makes them so great they all make you feel completly different. the kind of music i listen to most often is probably country. which you might find odd because like six months ago i hated country music, but now i love it. it is just so layed back and relaxing. nut i don't know everything, so what is your favorite kind of music??


  1. I love this post. "They all make you feel completely different"

    It's like you're offered a full course meal or an all you can eat buffet and when you only choose to listen to one genre it's like you're just sitting by the bacon all night. It's good yes. But after a while it gets old and you say you hate everything else at the buffet but haven't tried it so how do you know? It becomes a wasted opportunity.

    I love this blog post

  2. i've been listening to the chariot lately.

  3. Music diversity, I love it to. "music is what has defined us." love this line. So true. So true
